Development Blog #5: Week 7 Demo #1

Hello all, this week marks the due date of our first demo of the application! As promised, our dev team did actually manage to get some key functions in place while simultaneously laying the groundwork for the last couple missing major functions.

The major functionalities that Team Echidna has managed to include in this first demo are:

  • Ability for users to register with an email to then have their "spots" credited to them as Founders! This includes user sign in, registry, and sign out functions.
  • Spots are now saved to the firebase database.
  • Ability to view created spots and have the spot information populated. This includes the spot name, description, and location information.
  • Some basic user information is now saved in the database which will be used to populate Profiles later on.
  • Users can now test the "Upload" picture ability to now upload pictures from their camera roll. Look forward to having pictures saved with the spot, and the ability to take a picture from the app itself!

Some major functionalities to keep an eye out for in the coming week:

  • Spots will soon have the ability to save pictures, whether you upload them from a gallery or take them from the app.
  • User profiles are very close to being implemented.
  • App storage connection so that user images can be saved for both spots and profiles.
  • Nearby spot list on both the map fragment page and list tab will soon be implemented

Overall, the app has made some serious progress this week. With the screenshots provided below, you can see that the design is starting to take shape, though there is still more to come! Unfortunately, with the screenshots coming from an emulator, we could not display an image in the middle picture, though the spot picture preview would be in the top left. Our dev team is starting to fill in other gaps that were previously left blank, and we have really good ideas on how to move forward from this point. Stay tuned for more!


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